Leadership Idea 4: Bring out the best in me

One criticism about the way managers think about and treat knowledge workers comes from the fact that most management knowledge of our times is based on learnings and challenges from the industrial revolution. What is different? In former times semi-skilled or unskilled workers were mainly responsible to operate machineries like looms, assembly lines, foundry, etc.…

Leader and Follower

Molotov the follower There was a time in the nineteen forties when Vyacheslav Molotov was Soviet foreign minister. He was a shrewd man and a hard bargainer but worked for Joseph Stalin, who was The Boss.He was once overheard talking to Stalin by trans-Atlantic telephone during the course of some very intricate negotiations with the…

My 5 point reflection of 2020

I have read a few people’s reflection of 2020 and as you can guess many are not treating the retiring year with any love. That set me thinking how could one revolution of our dear planet around the most revered celestial star be good or bad in itself. I guess, what was bad for man…

Life and Work in the times of Corona

These are exceptional times, humanity is faced with a disease that started from a little known province in China and has become a pandemic that shakes the foundation of civilization. Given, we don’t have a cure for Covid-19, Isolation and Social Distancing remain our only effective strategies to break the chain. Companies are faced with…

The Goodbye I didn’t mean.

*************************************** A Story from the Bhagawat Purana ***************************************************** In the Bhagavatha Purana there is a famous story, that of Gajendra Moksha. Let me tell you the gist of the story here. Gajendra , the proud kind of Elephants  lived in a magnificent forest on mount Trikoota. ( Actually Gajendra was a great king called Indradyumna…

Simplicity, Stupidity and Intelligence

At work , at home and in your social circle you will find people that can be classified into 2 types. The simple and the sophisticated. Let me start with an incident that happened one night when Sherlock Holmes was out camping with Dr. Watson. After a good meal, they lay down for the night,…